Film Production
Capture the Action and Energy That
Drives Your Brand with Short Film Documentary
Creating a documentary for your company or brand with the aid of an experienced film production company is an engaging way to share your vision with your audience, expand your client base, inspire employees, and inform stockholders of what your brand stands for. There are myriad approaches to organizing, focusing, and creating your short film documentary. These are based on your audience, purpose in creating the film, corporate culture, and media message. A business-oriented documentary can create a word-of-mouth buzz, inspire employees, increase customer awareness, educate investors, and help your company generate brand identity. Strong, creative, and honest, a short film documentary is a way to inspire your audience and take control of your story.
Showcase the road to your achievements, your goals, your inspirations, and what drives you. You could highlight your community contributions, sustainable ecological practices, or the trajectory of your employees; tell the story of your founders or the future your company is working towards. With film production, there are countless ways to show this information that is perfect for fans of animation, direct interviews, stock and/or historical footage, testimonials, or dramatic reenactments. As you begin your research, craft your narrative, and create an engaging script, certain themes will emerge, strong truths that can enlighten and entertain your audience brought to life with film production.
The short film documentary enjoys the virtue of working with the medium of story, rather than dialectic argument. Unlike commercials, your audience is viewing for entertainment and enjoyment. To keep your audience engaged, we employ all the tools of winning narrative, including story arc, character development, dialogue, plot and pacing to tell the tale of your company's past triumphs, current successes, and goals for the future.
A great short film documentary probes beyond the superficial telling of an event timeline -- it provides the why. Or as Columbia University professor Simon Sinek put it, “People don’t care what you do. They care WHY you do it.” The art of film production helps you craft an amazing narrative -- your brand's journey. Voyage Films is proud to help our clients share their stories; we have helped brands gain evangelicals and fanboys and fangirls when the short film documentary work is shown in film festivals, and these stories have received the honors of online industry awards.